Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Corruption, what could have been, but what can’t be anymore. Corruption is an epidemic, corruption is a war, and corruption is reality. In man’s eye corruption is disastrous and should be abolished, however aren’t we corrupted already? Propaganda is the root. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Day and day humanity is faced with the devastating controversies, by which corruption brings. Is government helping us, or just making things worse? Animal Farm is a parallel novel towards this crisis, as it represents the Russian Revolution.

While Animal Farm considerably broke down this crisis into a simpler and less complex example, it gave me, the reader such a clear perception of how corruption feels; the irony in segregation, or the fact that one single body may shadow an entire colony with deception. “Great men are almost always bad men.” Napoleon spreads propaganda throughout the farm to an extent, by which total fear and total control is in his hands. Not only did Napoleon use propaganda in this way, but he also used it with his body guards. How ironic is this setting if all the animals are simply convinced that Boxer died in honor. Squealer simply taunted them with his lectures and using deception to his advantage. This is truly a figment of corruption. Or as the dogs were held by Napoleon even as little babies and raised to be blood thirsty killers.

Current events about corruption-

As what should have been communism fails, it takes a new form; such a form that causes everyone to obliterate their past. What could have been of today or what should have been of today? The world’s past has endured countless dictators, countless wars, and countless tragedies, however the root to all these is corruption. Whether it is political corruption or any other form this is truly the root. Corruption is a state of power that can’t be abolished certain leaders, nor colonies, not even democracies; because everyday every single person in the world is faced with propaganda. Whether it is who invented Coke or how America really gained independence, propaganda is the single strength of common power and is the pavement of corruption.

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