Monday, November 8, 2010

2010 Veterans Essay

Patriotism has changed, it's no longer routine. Patriotism is no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's a statement, by which an individual thrives upon to benefit himself. Or at least it is to me. It's safe to say patriotism isn't what it used to be. Unfortunately we must accept this, as today's priorities and method's are economy and business. Patriotism is still strong towards others' hearts; those who have fought or died for our noble country. Patriotism is a certain dignity that should be respected; but I believe many aren't dedicated to it, simply because the man or woman next to them isn't.
Patriotism lays root from the Elizabethan era; patriota "my countryman." In the 18th century religion in opposition to state, often contradicted with patriotism. For loyalty to the state indeed presented loyalty to the religion. Jean Jacques Rousseau a philosopher and composer was an essential contributor to patriotism. His philosophy's influenced the American and French revolutions.
"This Iraqi walks up to us and says, 'How can I help?' " Says Sergeant Bowers, who has served two tours in Iraq. Is patriotism dedication to one's country, or is it one's good will. The courage to say "How can I help?" the courage to do more in depth research the courage to share and the courage to do what's best for the person next to you. Releasing 400,000 of the government's classified files on the war in Afghanistan is in my opinion the most noble and courageous act of patriotism. A government has nothing to do with patriotism it has one thing and that is propaganda. Wiki leak's employees and contributors are sacrificing themselves to show America truth. Now its up to all citizens to ask what they can do to help.
 All governments aren't perfect. As a matter of fact they are far from that. A president, a king, or a democracy is just an idol; an idol that represents itself as something to put fear in someone's eyes. This is how it was, and this is how it will always be. This is any form's most basic method. Governments are against changes, against revolutions, against rebellions. A president can't give us change, it's simply impossible. A presidents an illusion; but such a big illusion, someone wouldn't question their self, their country, or their government.
Nationalism takes so many different forms people find it hard to conclude the one true form, because the government has made it that way. Before Christ nationalism thrived. It still does. Nationalism certainly didn't have the same name, or the same definition. But it was essential for mankind to survive, mankind needed pride. Pride for its territory, pride for its peers, and pride for itself. So I ask you this. Isn't patriotism what you take pride in? Isn't patriotism the way you help to make everything beneficial and better for the world itself?

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