Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ruby Holler

Sairy’s Diary Part XIV
“Anyone can be taught”


Today is a stepping stone of the final piece life, for me and my husband Tiller are embarking on a journey to take two wonderful orphans; twins in fact, named Dallas and Florida. I’ve stayed up all night imagining how great it will be to take them along on our trip. Their beds are prepared and I even have a room just for them! That room used to belong to our four children. Together the four of us will sit down together and enjoy a nice dish of Anti- Cranky Crumpets.


Yesterday was great! For the twins settled into our cabin and got used to everything. Tiller and I think it’s quite nice to get those two unfortunate children out from those agonizing, rather repulsive noises of the urban city. Now they can rest and enjoy themselves in the peace of the greatest forest in the world! Ruby Holler.


After aggressive thought towards our adventures Tiller and I have decided that on his voyage through the Mississippi River he’ll take Florida, and on my quest to catch a glimpse of the Scarlet Tanager I’ll bring Dallas I’ve only seen pictures of this valiant breed in books. We’ve got two weeks to prepare, for tomorrow Tiller and Florida are fixing up our old boat, while I take Dallas shopping for some camp supplies.


Dallas and Florida have been wonderful to us for the thirteen days they’ve been here, as they are always attempting to make things better! Some things are going well, however something’s aren’t, for example the window they put in our barn, well to be a bit more literal… the whole, by which they chopped in our barn. They are still wondrous children and I think they’ve taught us more than we’ve taught them. Tiller and I are seriously considering keeping the two angles as children.


I believe they are great children; however they keep assuming they’ll get in trouble. This makes me wonder all the time; what is it that the Trepids did to them? The twins also keep talking about how they’ve been locked in basements for many hours. This doesn’t sound realistic, but if so that’s abuse!


Our work is near finished, however we still have quite a bit of work that has to be done. The twins have both made such a significant amount of money, but I’m sure they’ll spend it all on our trip. I’m filled with an ironic feeling, for I’m ecstatic for the trip, yet in the back of my mind there’s a slight unsettle appeal, because they ran away last night. I’m not sure why, but for now on Tiller and I will treat them extra special.


After countless nights and days Tiller and I have put much thought and consideration into this, and I can’t wait to share this great news with the twins! We’ve decided to keep them as kids. Even though we’re in our later years, everyone needs to be loved.


Tiller came up with a wonderful idea! Between today at noon and tomorrow at noon the four of us will go on a rehearsal trip. Tiller and Florida will paddle down his favorite river. “The Hidden River” one he and his father discovered that isn’t on any map, while Dallas and I may hike through the woods.


I’m afraid our hiking trip is facing a few flaws, because unfortunately Dallas forgot our compass. However I still have no doubt we’ll make it home in time for supper. We’re just passing time awaiting the sun to rise, so that we may find our way back. Dallas and I feel unsettle, for I think that Tiller is in trouble and Dallas believes Florida is in trouble.
We met two selfless boys today; who tricked me into walking up river and they stole our luggage.
We finally found Tiller and Florida. Thank goodness we came when we did, because the two of them got into trouble at the river. Florida is fine, but we need to get Tiller to a hospital fast! I truly am scared for him; I'll be spending the night at the hospital.


It’s the middle of the night and I’m restless, because I’m still worried for Tiller even though I know he’s going to be okay.
We’ve both already discussed how we want it to go from here, so we’ve decided to cancel our trips all around and enjoy the final moments of our life in the Holler.


Today is the day, by which Tiller can finally smell the roses again and come home he says he’d love to teach Florida how to swim and teach Dallas how to chop wood. Our kids are coming home today to visit Tiller and me. As well as meet Dallas and Florida, but they didn’t think very highly of each other. As I sit in bed I keep asking myself the same question; was it selfish to want these two orphans to accompany us both on the trip?


Our trusty friend Z informed us of quite unexpected news today. Mr. Trepid was in fact paying him to perform research around Ruby Holler to find our under “stone funds” (Instead of using a bank we keep all of our money underground under a rock.) So that he may steel it. We aren’t going to report this to the police or anyone else. Instead we’re going to leave a series of nasty surprises for him.
I do indeed this is too much information for one person to take in the same day, but while Z was scavenging through Mr. Trepids files he discovered something so astonishing he couldn’t even handle it himself! Florida and Dallas are his children. Unfortunately Z has no one to go to but Tiller and me, because he and his wife had divorced years ago. We’ve all debated about this together and decided that we’ll give Z time to get some money back in his pockets, some food on the table, and at least get himself cleaned up.


Z is a new man from three years ago. He has a wonderful new wife that Dallas and Florida consider absolutely wonderful; he has a new job with a crazy salary, and now he’s moving into a new house only a mile away from ours in Ruby Holler.
Today was the day, by which we told the twins who their real father is. It made all of us feel like kids again. Experiencing the joy watching those two kids tears soak into Z’s jacket. We’ll always be their grandparents. They’ll always have a family; they’ll always have a mother and father who care for them more than the world; and they’ll always have Ruby Holler.


Oh, these years have passed by so quickly, but I guess time does pass when you’re having fun. As I lay, in a delicate figment of my past, I gaze into the elegant sunset of Ruby Holler. As I find my journey setting forth towards the future, for my time has come, but I stand strong with no regret. As I settle in the last page of this journal, while I settle in the last point of my life. Leaves are born shining upon all like a ruby, but time passes and all the abundant moments fall, as the leaf cascades from the tree and settles in a peaceful state of mind.

1 comment:

  1. That was amazing. Truly was. The last entry was depressing! Just the whole storyline was great and the vocab! You put in some complex words which added to the how cool it is! Great job.
