Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2009 Veterans Program

After a chaotic environment of conflict and combat men and woman across seas known as war veterans are allowed to come home for their family and friends, because they finished making massive sacrifices serving their country. How well can you support them after they gave you a safe and secure Nation? Veterans Day is the perfect opportunity to give back to them for what they have done for us, and this great moment is right around the corner, so it is essential that we must us this one moment to contribute our full devotion and respect to the Valiant men and woman.
Having said that, how may we follow through with this? Well it’s hard for many people to fully comprehend the importance of Veterans Day, So November 11, is a day for others to learn the heavy conditions, and effects of many soldiers sacrifices. A young soldier Pvt. Steven from Peshtigo, Wisconsin joined the Military right from high school and joined 2nd Battalion, 12 Infantry Regiment. After contact with insurgents in Konar Province, Afghanistan he was wounded and killed at the age of 19. Many other brave soldiers have put their lives on the line for us and they truly deserve something better.
What would peoples lifestyles all around the world have been like if the devastating and brutal actions of Dictators and Tyrants hadn’t been overthrown by heroic and civil people from all around the world.
Without the effort and accomplishment put fourth by brave soldiers in the Revolutionary War, our nation wouldn’t have been free. Thanks to soldiers until today our Nation is virtually free of terrorism and terrible acts of chaos.
Veterans Day may be entitled to the perfect time to honor our War Veterans. However all Veterans must be respected everyday for their great sacrifices. I hope you truly understand the reason we honor these heroic men and women, and I also ask that the proper support ad foundation is given to soldiers that put their lives on the line for us.

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